An Expanse of Enjoyment At Ayala Westgrove Heights, you feel close-not crowded. With not one, but three clubhouses equally spaced throughout the development, you'll have no shortage of quiet, private spots.
Amenities include three swimming pools, plus a wet-play area specially scaled for children. There are also five tennis courts, three badminton courts and five basketball courts to appease any sport lover.
You would also find a six-hectare Central Park with lagoons, a soccer field, jogging trails, bike paths, fishing decks and a shaded picnic area.
If those are not enough, you would also find a wellness center, gym, function rooms and social halls in this luxurious Ayala Land real estate masterpiece.
The Ultimate in Orchard Living Like fruit trees, people put down roots where there's plenty of sunshine, fresh air and plenty of wide open spaces. At Ayala West Grove Heights, about 50 percent of our land area is reserved for just that.
With the area master planned according to the strictest of environmental standards, you can fill your eyes with the beauty of nature and be confident that things will stay that way.
Nearly 200 hectares of open space: orchards, lagoons, paths and natural ridges can meet your eyes in West Grove.
There are also thousands of mature mango trees, Thailand Acacia, African Tulips and Narra Trees providing fresh air, refreshing shade and a vibrant green glow to the entire area.
And no need to worry about unsightly telephone wires and sewers because there is in Ayala West Grove Heights a fully underground system of utilities. We also have waste and sewer treatment facilities to ensure a safe, comfortable and healthy environment.
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